October 22, 2024


Looking to advertise your business on SpeedwayRacing.co.nz?

It’s cost effective and easy to do, and you can see the return on your money as all impressions and clicks are tracked.

If you are looking for our buy and sell classifieds, see our Speedway Ads section.

Advertisement Options & Rate Card

  • Big Top Banner
    Size: 728×90 px
    Position: Top of all pages
    Price: $POA per month
  • Large Side Square
    Size: 250 x 250 px
    Position: Right of pages in side bar
    Price: $POA per month

  • Bottom Footer Banner(s)
    Size: 200 x 80 px
    Position: Footer of all pages
    Price: $POA per month

  • Classifieds Ad Banner
    Size: 468 x 60 px
    Position: Bottom of each Classified listing page
    Price: $POA per month

  • Featured Advertorial Post
    Size: Full written post with images
    Position: Run of site plus Social Media channels
    Price: $POA per month

Get in quick to discuss your options, as spaces are strictly limited!

A custom campaign can also be created to best suit your business.

Email us now, see our Contact page.